How EasyFit Isolator Works
Step by step instructions on how to properly install the EasyFit Isolator Valve. Simpy watch the video or follow the instructions below.
For more detailed instructions & specs download the pdf files below.
Step By Step Instructions
Step 1
Clamp your isolator valve on the pressurized hot or cold water line tubing you are installing your valve onto.
Step 2
Screw on your bolts using your drill gun , but make to have your drill set toΒ low torgueΒ to avoid bolt breakage.
Step 3
Set your drill to maximum torque and low gear (1). Drill up to 1/2" and 1" blue line; 3/4" red.
Step 4
Unscrew the drill collar from the valve.
Step 5
Twist until the red dot are aligned with one another.
Step 6
Remove the split polytube from the spindle.
Step 7
Position the cap and seal against the pipe tubing ends.
Step 8
Secure the cap with by screwing all four bolts. To prevent over tightening make sure to manual screw them on with a screw driver.
Step 9
Last secure your Hot/Cold valve handle onto valve. Congratulations! you have offically installed your EasyFit Isolator Valve.